Jolly Poultry wishes you a happy new year and hope you will continue interact and collaborate with us to bring high quality and improved chicken to Kenyan smallholders!
2014 has been the start up year for Jolly Poultry and its team, a year of piloting, of learning and mainly a year of interactions with many of you, that has brought us to where we are today! Thanks for all your support at the Jolly farm, during the fairs we visited, during the trainings and for the more than 8000 likes on Facebook!
The up-coming year we hope to grow into a stable company that is recognized for its high quality product, namely first generation chicks of the pure Kuroiler breed, but also for its honest advice to farmers at the fairs or during training. Finally, we hope to make some further steps in integrating the kuroiler value chain further, and offer more adapted chicken related products that meet the special needs of smallholders in Kenya.
We hope that 2015 will be prosperous for all our clients and that together we will be able to reach out to more smallholders than ever!